Customer testimonials

Shopping for a mattress online can be challenging! How can a person buy a bed without trying it first? At Doms Mattress Store, we spent year after year trying to find a solution to this problem: and we finally figured it out!

Of course, you can always visit a brick-and-mortar mattress store; try a bed by pressing down on it with your hand, but that could be ineffective. According to an article by Live and Sleep: "Your body may be conformed to your old mattress and how that feels so it may be a while to your body becomes adjusted to the new supportive mattress." It also states: "Allow for up to eight weeks for your body to adjust to the new mattress."

In conclusion, we created this customer testiominal page; imported all of our Google reviews from clients who have purchased from us and had our products for year(s), so you can be confident before making your final decision.


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